LifeArk components are manufactured using rotational molding

Rotational molding is a globally available manufacturing technology to mass produce strong, buoyant parts quickly and economically

This image was taken at the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami in Tohoku, Japan Image from Leo Cool

This image was taken at the aftermath of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Tohoku, Japan
Image: Leo Cool/ Creator: Kenji Shimizu/ Copyright: AP2011

Innovative Rotational Molding, Inc.

LifeArk components are manufactured at our partner facility in Madera, CA

Custom Rock and Roll Machine in Madera Facility

Custom Rock and Roll Machine in Madera Facility

Rotoline DC4.50 in Madera Facility

Rotoline DC4.50 in Madera Facility

Rotational Molding Advantages:

  • Design flexibility allowing complex geometry

  • Low-Tech process

  • Tooling cost are less then other plastic molding methods

  • Parts offer strength, corrosion resistance and durability

  • Short lead times on production

  • Environmentally-friendly: no chemicals or dangerous toxins are released during production

  • Less material wastage compared with manufacturing with other materials like wood, metal or concrete

LifeArk foaming shop and stockpile warehouse located in Madera, CA